Sam Thacker is not my uncle.  He is of course a well-known business blogger. In December 2009, he wrote one of the most controversial blogs he has ever written. It has achieved over 50,000 readers since then.

This jovial yet pointed article still has valid commentary on the needs of small businesses. Sam jabs at the Obama administration and outlines how he would help small business owners with SBA loan programs, jobs creation, stimuli to domestic manufacturing, and other incentives that would be meaningful and accessible to American businesses.  Surprisingly, the needs of small business owners have not changed much since 2009 and this article still adds value to the conversation on how to jump start the American economy and foster the growth of small businesses in the United States.

I hope you enjoy this article:
If I was President for the Day . . . by Sam Thacker

Click on the link below to read the full article:
